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We have 95 Environmental Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in the UK






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Environmental Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in the UK

We have 95 Environmental Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in the UK

Unravelling past dryland hydroclimate (RS25/EE/GES/MARKOWSKA)

Our planet's drylands are at the centre of an intriguing climate mystery. These regions, which cover nearly half of Earth's land surface and support 2 billion people, are predicted to expand significantly as our planet warms. Read more

Investigating molecular determinants of cellular fate driven by air pollutants

Air pollution is a critical global issue with severe consequences for the environment, economy, and human health. 99% of the world’s population lives in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines, leading to accelerated ageing, increased mortality, and decreased health span [1,2,3]. Read more

Transforming CO2 into Sustainable Fuels for Marine Transportation

About the Project. Project Summary. This project, funded by the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute, aims to revolutionize maritime fuel production by developing a single-step catalytic process to convert CO2 into Dimethyl Ether. Read more

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