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We have 79 History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK



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History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK

We have 79 History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK

CDA: Sacred Space and Sacred Objects in Westminster Abbey (960 to 1540)

This research will investigate a key aspect of the medieval history of one of the most important churches in medieval England, drawing on unique – and uniquely well-preserved – sources of evidence that have not been properly assessed before. Read more

CDA Nature, imagination, and tradition in progressive education: The role of art in Sir Alec Clegg’s (1909-1986) conception of children’s education and its legacy

This PhD project has been conceived as an interdisciplinary investigation into how education can use art (art history and artistic practice) to nurture children’s awareness and appreciation of nature and care for the natural environment.  . Read more

CDA War, Photography & Empire: Visual Propaganda and British India, c.1941-47

From popular photo-magazines published for British citizens, to wall newspapers and pamphlets addressing Indian audiences, a wealth of dynamic visual propaganda in multiple languages and formats was produced to communicate Allied war aims and progress across the globe. Read more

Art History and World Art Studies at UEA

Art History and World Art Studies at UEA is a research-led, interdisciplinary department known for our interdisciplinary approach to art across cultures. Read more

Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research, University of Glasgow

Scholarship and funding opportunities . Scholarships and funding opportunities are available for postgraduate research degrees and PhD study in Arts and Humanities at the University of Glasgow. . Read more

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Commemoration and International Relations

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD Studentship (stipend and fees) in the history subject area. Original PhD proposals relating to any aspect of the project title, ‘The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Commemoration and International Relations’ will be considered. Read more

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) PhD Studentships at Birkbeck

2025/26 entry funding available. Birkbeck is a member of the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE) Doctoral Training Partnership. Read more

Techne studentships in the Institute for Creative Futures

Loughborough University London is a part of technē; a consortium which comprises nine universities in London and the South-East, with almost 60 AHRC studentships to award each year across a range of arts and humanities disciplines. Read more

[HUMS Bicentenary PhD] ‘Two-Way Truth Telling’ Across Noongar Boodja and Manchester Museum

The project is embedded in relational truth telling towards and beyond the return of cultural objects, with an aim to support the Noongar led goals for truth telling towards the bicentenaries of invasion of Noongar boodja in 2026 (Albany/King Geoge Sound) and 2029 (establishment of the Swan River Colony). Read more

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