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We have 74 Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK






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Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 74 Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

Imaging Approaches to Monitor and Optimise Solid Phase Oligonucleotide Synthesis

Overview. Your PhD project presents the opportunity to focus your postgraduate research towards addressing the lack of process analytical technology (PAT) available to monitor solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis (SPOS). Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Studies in heterogeneous catalysts

The Max Planck Centre for fundamental studies on heterogeneous catalyst was established in 2019 and has two themes operating on experimental heterogeneous catalysis; namely catalyst design and acetylene chemistry. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable future

Chemical industry produces tens of thousands of chemical intermediates and products that are essential components of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, paints, and more, elevating the overall quality and length of human life across the globe. Read more

Driving polymer mechanochemistry via processing techniques

Conventionally, chemical transformations are driven by inputs such as light, heat or electricity. However, the exciting field of polymer mechanochemistry is adding to these conventions by developing the use of mechanical force to drive chemical changes. Read more

Deep Learning-based mechanistic elucidation of processes mediated by heterogeneous catalysts

Heterogeneous catalysis is essential in the chemical industry, but understanding its mechanisms is complex due to the limitations of traditional kinetic analysis, which often relies on simplifying approximations. Read more

PhD Studentship - Systematic investigation of pyrolysis process and products for sustainable biochar production

This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. Read more

P4. Green Polymers from Sugars towards Polyethylene-Like Materials (CSHP CDT)

Polymers are widespread in modern society as they produce light, strong, and cheap plastic materials, with an ever-increasing demand, which are critical to many technologies from consumer goods, electronics to healthcare. Read more

P27. An exploration of “greener” alternatives for oligonucleotide synthesis (CSHP CDT)

The solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides, historically conducted on controlled pore glass, but more recently on polystyrene, typically proceeds in a 3′ to 5′ direction by a four-step synthesis cycle with each step followed by a solvent wash. Read more

Transforming CO2 into Sustainable Fuels for Marine Transportation

About the Project. Project Summary. This project, funded by the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute, aims to revolutionize maritime fuel production by developing a single-step catalytic process to convert CO2 into Dimethyl Ether. Read more

Next-generation printing inks

We are seeking an enthusiastic and dedicated person to join our research team, BonLab (, at the University of Warwick as a PhD researcher to work on a fully funded (home fees + stipend) 4-year project in the area of sustainable polymer and colloid science. Read more

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