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We have 44 Law PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK






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Law PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 44 Law PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Postgraduate Research Opportunities in Law

About the School of Law. The School of Law fosters and promotes research in all major fields of legal study. Our research explores contemporary issues across the fields of law and criminal justice, informing policy and practice on a national and international level. Read more

PhD (School of Law) Doctorate

Study a PhD at the University of Bradford and contribute new and significant knowledge to the field of law. Why study a law PhD?. Read more

Preventing chronic diseases and reducing health inequities in the UK post-Brexit: The impact of the UK Internal Market Act on the discretion of devolved Nations to promote better health for all

The School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool in collaboration with Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) invite applications for a fully funded PhD studentship to explore the impact that the UK Internal Market Act has had on the powers of devolved administrations to protect public health and prevent NCDs. Read more

Litigation on business and human rights against companies

Context and Objectives. This PhD will explore how domestic legal frameworks address business-related human rights violations, focusing on corporate accountability and access to justice in both the Global North and South. Read more

Navigating the Mental Capacity Act to support Sexual Decision-Making for People with Learning Disabilities

Project advert. Mental capacity in relation to sexual decision-making for people with learning disabilities is a complex issue affecting people with learning disabilities and the health and social care (HSC) practitioners who support them. Read more

Birmingham Law School - Postgraduate Research Opportunities

Law PhD / PhD by Distance Learning / MPhil / MJur. Conduct your own law research with the support of legal specialists from Birmingham Law School. Read more

Transforming lives, businesses and communities: Funded PhD studentships in Business and Law (“Transform Studentships”)

The Faculty of Business and Law at Manchester Met is inviting applications for up to three three-year full-time PhD studentships to help build our doctoral community and cement our reputation for world-leading research. Read more

African Studies and Anthropology - Postgraduate Research Opportunities

African Studies PhD/MA by Research (On-Campus or by Distance Learning). Social Anthropology PhD/MA by Research (On-Campus or by Distance Learning). Read more

Computational Legal Analysis - Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law

Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law (CURE) is a 5-year comparative project, originally funded by the ERC and guaranteed by UKRI, based at the Department of Law, University of Manchester and led by Professor Aristea Koukiadaki. Read more

Computational Legal Analysis - Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law

Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law (CURE) is a 5-year comparative project, originally funded by the ERC and guaranteed by UKRI, based at the Department of Law, University of Manchester and led by Professor Aristea Koukiadaki. Read more

Blockchain Forensics: Investigating the Dynamics and Evolution of Blockchain Crimes

This PhD project, "Blockchain Forensics. Investigating the Dynamics and Evolution of Blockchain Crimes," offers a unique opportunity to explore the changing landscape of blockchain crimes, focusing on how technological advancements impact criminal tactics. Read more

Optimising AI for Covert Situational Integrity Testing

This PhD will aim to optimise the use of AI and machine learning for the implementation of ‘covert situational integrity testing’ as a mechanism for assessing corporate and organisational compliance with legal rules and standards, the goal being to enhance corporate accountability. Read more

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