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We have 74 Pollution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK



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Pollution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 74 Pollution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

How does energy efficiency affect indoor air quality?

This is one of 3 potential projects (other 2 listed below) of which we can fund 2. We encourage all interested candidates to contact the individual supervisors for an informal discussion before a formal application, and to refer to more details on the projects. Read more

Decarbonising the North of England: designing business models for carbon capture, utilisation and storage

This is one of 3 potential projects (other 2 listed below) of which we can fund 2. We encourage all interested candidates to contact the individual supervisors for an informal discussion before a formal application, and to refer to more details on the projects. Read more

How will Climate Change affect Heatwaves, Wildfires and Air Quality across the UK and northern Europe?

Climate change is projected to amplify both the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. These heatwaves are often accompanied by other extreme events, such as wildfires and air pollution episodes, which together create significant risks to public health. Read more

New methods for removal of pollutants from water

Emerging pollutants have been linked to adverse effects in humans and wildlife, such species e.g. metaldehyde as a persistent pesticide, as well as pentabromobiphenylether, 4-nonylphenol, C10-C13 chloroalkanes and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, which are listed as priority hazardous substances by the EU (refs. Read more

PhD studentship: Nitrous oxide in the wastewater industry: Measurement, monitoring, and mitigation

Award Summary. This project is part of the Water Infrastructure & Resilience (WIRe) CDT with a tax-free annual living allowance of £24,000 (increased by £300 in years 2, 3 and 4 each), a generous research training support grant + UKRI fees paid.  . Read more

Grey water recycling with nature based solutions - PhD

This fully funded PhD, with a stipend of £20,000 pa, is sponsored by the Royal Horticultural Society and EPSRC. The research offers an exciting opportunity to develop a nature-based solution (NbS) for the treatment of greywater for irrigation use. Read more

Effective treatment of algae for drinking water production - PhD

This exciting fully funded MSc(RES) with a stipend of £20,000 pa, is sponsored by the Severn Trent Water. The research will look at treatment solutions to address the fresh challenges that algae pose to drinking water production due to climate change. Read more

The impact of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in Indonesia on health financing and health outcomes

For additional information, including how to apply, go here. Please familiarise yourself with the information available there and email only with concrete queries; vague manifestation-of-interest emails may receive no reply. Read more
Last chance to apply

Assessment of Flame Retardant Exposure Pathways in Households in the UK

Flame retardants (FRs) are a diverse group of chemicals widely used since the 1970s in consumer products like furniture, textiles, electronics, and building materials to reduce flammability. Read more

Uncertainty quantification in CO2 calculations

Global warming is one of the biggest threats that humanity is facing today. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels are warming up our planet in a dangerous and irreversible way. Read more

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