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We have 140 Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK






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Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 140 Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

Dendrimers for Drug delivery

We have worked with a number of water soluble polymer systems capable of encapsulating and solubilising various hydrophobic drug moieties. Read more

Magnetic Nano-particles for the separation and purification of proteins

When proteins are synthesised (using a natural or cell-based method), they are contaminated with hundreds of other proteins, nucleic acids and numerous other small molecules. Read more

Synthesis of Artificial blood

Inspired by Nature, we have developed a number of porphyrin containing biomimetic macromolecules. These have included a porphyrin cored polymer capable of reversibly binding oxygen. Read more

Formulation of poorly-soluble drugs

Poorly water-soluble drugs is an important class of pharmaceutical compounds that are finding numerous applications for the therapy of different pathological conditions. Read more

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