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We have 143 Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK






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Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 143 Polymer Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

Reversible Photoreactions for Sustainable Materials Synthesis

The Photochemistry for Materials group is looking for an enthusiastic candidate to join our research team at the University of Warwick to carry out a 3.5-year PhD project, under the supervision of Dr Hannes Houck and funded under The Royal Society University Research Fellowship scheme (press release). Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Microwave assisted heterogeneous catalysis

The PhD will be based within the Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) ( which is one of the leading centres for catalyst research focussed on improving the understanding of catalysis, developing new catalytic processes with industry and promoting the use of catalysis as a sustainable 21st century technology. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Computer simulation of metal-amyloid interaction and its role in plaque formation

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the greatest healthcare challenges facing 21st century society. AD is associated with formation of fibrils and plaques in brain tissue that impair proper functioning of neurons. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Asymmetric catalysis using environmentally benign calcium complexes

Dr Ben Ward is looking for a PhD student to work on the research project ’Asymmetric catalysis using environmentally benign calcium complexes’. Read more

Wearable Sample Collection for Biosensing

Measurement of low abundance proteins is key for enabling early detection of diseases [1]. A widely used method for the measurement of low abundance proteins is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [2]. Read more

Biosensor for Point-of-Care DNA Detection

DNA detection is needed for a range of applications including clinical diagnostics and environmental monitoring. As target DNA is often present in very low concentrations, it is typically amplified using methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [1], before detection. Read more

Hydrogel-based sensors for healthcare applications

Salivary diagnostics is gaining popularity because it can be minimally invasive and can be performed by non-experts. Saliva can contain biomarkers, which can be measured for early detection of a range diseases including cancer, diabetes and gum diseases. Read more

Sustainable active materials for next-generation lithium-free batteries PhD

This research aims at discovery and development of novel active materials for next-generation lithium-free batteries. Net-zero economies require high-capacity batteries to enable clean transportation and store renewable energy. Read more

Solid polymer electrolytes for batteries and smart windows PhD

This research aims at development of solid polymer electrolytes for next-generation batteries and electrochromic smart windows. Batteries and smart windows are one of key technologies to improve energy efficiency and enable net-zero economies. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Medicinal Chemistry of Nucleotide Analogues

Nucleoside analogues (NAs) are an important class of antiviral and anticancer agents commonly used in the therapy of many different viral infections and cancer conditions. Read more

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