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We have 117 Quantum Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK






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Quantum Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 117 Quantum Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Quantum Doctoral Programmes

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Quantum Computation and Quantum Communications (QC2) trains the next generation of research pioneers, entrepreneurs and business leaders. Read more

Quantum Materials Physics and Machine Learning

Overview. A competitively funded PhD UK studentship is available in materials physics, focusing on computational quantum mechanics to discover and understand novel materials for critical applications such as energy storage, solar, and carbon capture. Read more

[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Anatomy of Critical Unstable Qubits

The central objective of the project will be to systematically analyse in depth a novel class of unstable qubits, which were discovered recently by the Principal Supervisor and his research team*, and are called Critical Unstable Qubits (CUQs). Read more

[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Search for dark-matter particles using novel quantum technologies

This project is seeking to address two of the most outstanding issues in our understanding of the universe. why is the universe dominated by matter without any significant anti-matter and what is the nature of dark-matter which is responsible for 85% of the mass in the universe, but is yet to be directly detected. Read more

[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Real-Time Sensitivity to Quantum Oscillations of Beauty Mesons

The LHCb experiment is one of the four large experiments on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. LHCb is about to produce the largest sample of Beauty mesons ever recorded, as a result of a paradigm-changing upgrade to its data acquisition and processing system. Read more

Quantum metamaterials

Soft templating via lips cubic phases will be employed for the fabrication of novel 3D nanostructured metal and semiconductor materials with a gyroid symmetry… Read more

Quantum Thermoelectrics

This project focusses on enhancing thermoelectric materials for waste harvesting of waste heat using quantum technology. Thermoelectric (TE) materials are an important class of materials for power generation that can directly convert waste heat into electrical energy based on the Seebeck effect. Read more

Integrated Ultra-High-Q Ring Resonators

Co-Supervisors. Dr Chris Holmes, Dr Bruno Moog. Integrated ring resonators are a key component in photonics and will be an enabling technology in several areas, including the stabilisation of atom trap clocks, rotation sensors and narrow-linewidth lasers. Read more

Physics inspired quantum machine learning methods for inverse problems

  Research Group: ISVR: Signal Processing and Control
In this project, you will develop and evaluate novel quantum machine learning approaches to solve large scale inverse problems using near term quantum computing systems. . Read more

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