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We have 110 Solid State Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK






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Solid State Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 110 Solid State Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Proton-based neuromorphic computing in 2D crystals

The electrochemical hydrogenation of graphene has been recently shown to induce a robust and reversible conductor-insulator transition, which is of strong interest in logic and memory applications. Read more

Eco-friendly organic photovoltaics

Developing renewable energy solutions that can be rapidly implemented in the market using eco-friendly materials and manufacturing methods is crucial. Read more

(UoM - A* STAR) Combining twisted 2D Materials and metaoptics for mid-far-IR & THz light matter interaction

The electromagnetic radiation is one of the prime tools to investigate matter and its properties. This is made possible by the existence of efficient and compact sources and detectors in the whole spectrum, with the crucial exception of the low-THz/far IR range (between 3 and 30 THz). Read more

(UoM - A* STAR) Photonics with 2D atomic-scale channels

Two dimensional (2D) materials have reinforced the fact that new materials innovate new technological applications by showing enormous potential in various domains including electronics, optoelectronics, biology, chemistry etc. Read more

Phase Transitions in Quantum Materials

Supervisory Team. Prof Tim Freegarde and Dr Makars Siskins. Twisted layers of 2D materials allow for new degrees of freedom in quantum matter, leading to novel phenomena such as unconventional ferroelectricity, superconductivity and topological states. Read more

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