We have 19 Sport Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK






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Sport Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 19 Sport Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Risk taking, decision making and ADHD characteristics in contact and non-contact athletes (ref: SF23/HLS/SER/Thornton)

Participation in sport is often associated with physical risks and a higher incidence of injury. Those who choose to engage in sporting activities often differ from those who are sedentary in terms of personality and behaviour (Guillen & Laborde, 2014). Read more

MRes Sport, Exercise and Health Science (Project ID SAS0202)

The MRes at Edinburgh Napier University represents a unique opportunity for students to conduct a substantial research project in the area of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences undertaken over one-year full time or 20 months part-time. Read more

Men’s lives: the consequences of living with high levels of drive for muscularity

Historically, body image research has focused on females and their dieting and weight loss habits. McCreary and Sasse (2000) recognised that although some men desired to be thin for health, occupational, or recreational reasons, high levels of the drive for thinness in men from Western societies is relatively rare. Read more

The dance culture and its impact on the dancer

Fulfilling one’s potential by becoming the best dancer one can become and joining a professional dance company is a dream of many young people, who enter vocational dance training. Read more

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