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We have 65 Structural Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK






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Structural Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 65 Structural Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Short-loop recycling of LIB cathode and Anode Materials Using Oil Nanoemulsions

Open to UK applicants only. It has been estimated that, in the UK alone, a stockpile of ca. 70,000-106,000 units of obsolete end-of-first-life EV batteries are waiting to be recycled in 2025. Read more

Neutron Diffraction Studies of Inorganic Microcrystals

A PhD studentship is available in the group of Professor J. P. Attfield, University of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry, and is co-supervised by Dr Pascal Manuel, UKRI STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Detection of Catalyic Reactive Oxygen Centres by EPR Spectroscopy

Free radical reactions and redox processes are ubiquitous in nature and indeed fundamental to life. These radicals are present in the air we breath, the food and drinks we consume, and in the many substances we use on a daily basis. Read more

Chemical bonding models of quantum materials

A funded PhD studentship is available in the field of computational inorganic chemistry. The project will involve modelling covalent bonding in crystalline solids to design next-generation electronic materials. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Alternative synthetic routes to FOX-7 and BITE-101: EPSRC IDLA PhD

The aim of the Industrial Doctoral Landscape Award (IDLA) PhD studentship, jointly sponsored by EPSRC and DSTL will be to develop microreactor technology for new flow electrochemical methods to solve current challenges in the synthesis of energetic materials, exemplified by the development of new synthetic routes towards FOX-7 and BITE-101. Read more

PhD in Na/Fe Cooperativity for C-H Functionalisation of Alkenes and Arenes

Research Project Title. PhD in Na/Fe Cooperativity for C-H Functionalisation of Alkenes and Arenes. Research Project Summary. This project aims to make key advances in sustainable pharmaceutical synthesis, through the development of novel earth abundant metal catalysed pathways towards small molecule activation. Read more

(UoM - IIT KGP) Luminescent supramolecules for applications in data storage

Quantum computing is a paradigm-shifting computation that has the potential to revolutionalise the way we store, process and compute complex data and is set to transform the digital world, as we know it. Read more

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