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We have 47 Urban Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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Urban Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 47 Urban Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Personalised Workstations in Open Plan Office Using ML and AI/ Digital Twin

Maintaining an ideal thermal environment within multidisciplinary environments such as open plan offices and higher education classrooms is crucial for promoting effective performance and teaching and learning. Read more

The effectiveness of School Street Closures: Impact evaluation

There are currently no published peer reviewed papers looking specifically at School Streets projects. I published a report collated from grey literature and interviews with local government officers (Davis, 2020) which examined the perception of displacement parking associated with School Streets. . Read more

Walkability and Multimodal Transport Integration for Urban Sustainability

Countries with rapid economic growth witness a surge in private vehicle ownership while improving public transport. Western research highlights public transport's role in encouraging walking, while car ownership often leads to less walking. Read more

Urban Digital Twins for Sustainable Cities: Exploring Collaborative Innovation and Value Creation

Cities worldwide are grappling with complex sustainability challenges that require innovative solutions. Urban digital twins - virtual replicas of cities that simulate real-world conditions - offer a promising approach to overcome data silos and address the intricate interdependencies hindering urban innovation. Read more

An agent-based cellular automata model for analysing climate change risks to rapidly growing cities

In order deliver objective and sustainable future urban development a new suite of modelling tools are required that can assess the temporal dynamics of urban development in relation to multiple climate change hazards (e.g., heat, flooding, drought, vector borne diseases etc). Read more

A generative AI flood vulnerability model for a changing world

The IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report shows that complex interactions between multiple flood hazards, exposures, and (human) vulnerabilities are poorly understood. … Read more

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