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We have 37 Electrical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in York






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Electrical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in York

We have 37 Electrical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in York

Autonomous Sensor Design and Verification

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Sensing is essential for machines to interact intelligently and safely with the external environment, much like humans do[1, 2]. Human tactile sensing, for instance, allows us to handle a variety of objects, from delicate berries to heavy payloads – by adapting our touch and pressure accordingly. Read more

Advanced Proprioception for Robotic Legs

Humans are complex mechanical systems of interconnected bodies with a high degree of freedom (DOF). Our inner structures/bodies have naturally evolved with advanced proprioception and control, enabling us to perform a wide range of actions/movements, such as running, walking, sitting, and jumping. Read more

Intelligent Proprioceptive Anthropomorphic Robotic Hands

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Robotic hands and grippers are pivotal in robotic handling or interactions with objects, and similarly, a robot can intelligently manipulate an object. Read more

Robust Model-based Predictive Control for Hybrid Robotic Arms

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
In contrast to conventional robots, hybrid (soft-rigid) robots offer enhanced interaction safety alongside sensorised, repeatable performance. Read more

Dexterous Manipulation for Hybrid Robots Using Reinforcement Learning

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Hybrid Robotic manipulators combine soft and rigid components that allow them to be safer and more reliable than their rigid counterparts during their interactions with the world. Read more

Hybrid Articulated Robotic Systems for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Articulated joints make up much of the conventional robotic systems, however, the rigidity of these systems despite artificially enhanced safety through algorithms remains a safety concern owing to critical algorithmic limitations and failures. Read more

Computational neuroscience: Statistical signal processing for multivariate neuronal data, Neural computing with Spiking neural networks.

  Research Group: Healthcare Engineering
How does the human brain work? As you read this text, the pixels on your screen are converted into a series of spike trains passing along the neural pathways in your brain, allowing you to understand the content. Read more

Advanced State Estimation Techniques for Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Accurate estimation of battery pack states, such as State of Charge (SOC), State of Health (SOH), and State of Power (SOP), is essential for the safe and efficient operation of electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems. Read more

Information retrieval from room acoustic measurements

Acoustic measurements of rooms carry a lot of useful information regarding the room geometry, objects and furnishing, presence and movements of humans, and the atmospheric conditions and stability of the room environment. Read more

High-lifespan many-core devices

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Switching activity and other technology-related parameters have a significant effect on circuit aging and can therefore affect the lifespan of devices. Read more

Multi-Fidelity Modelling of Rechargeable Battery Degradation

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Rechargeable batteries play a key role in electric vehicles and transition to net zero. One of the current challenges in batteries is degradation, which causes capacity retention and resistance increase as the battery cycles. Read more

Artificial Intelligence based Electric Vehicle Motor Design

  Research Group: Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Electric vehicle development has been a hot topic around the world. This PhD programme will develop artificial intelligence based computational tools to accelerate electric vehicle motor design and optimization process. Read more

Intelligent Medium Access Control for Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks

  Research Group: Communication Technologies
Most research in underwater acoustic communication deals with the physical layer, with primitive and inflexible multiple access, despite the medium access control layer playing a crucial role in providing efficient communication. Read more

Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality

  Research Group: Communication Technologies
Recent developments in low cost VR displays have led to a resurgence of research into binaural 3-D audio. Whilst a good 3-D audio experience can be given using the state of the art technologies, there are still many problems to be solved. Read more

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