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We have 6 University of Bradford, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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University of Bradford, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 6 University of Bradford, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Investigating perineuronal net modulation as a mechanism underlying diet induced cognitive impairment

Understanding how nutrition can affect cognition has become increasingly important in our modern world as it has been shown that poor nutrition, linked to the overconsumption of ultra processed foods high in fat and/or sugar can cause cognitive impairment (CI). Read more

Investigating molecular determinants of cellular fate driven by air pollutants

Air pollution is a critical global issue with severe consequences for the environment, economy, and human health. 99% of the world’s population lives in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines, leading to accelerated ageing, increased mortality, and decreased health span [1,2,3]. Read more

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of mechanosensing in stem cell homeostasis and differentiation.

Background. Stem cells have an essential role in homeostasis, repair, and regeneration of a tissue or organ. The adult skin is home to largest collection of multipotent stem cells, which are immature cells with unlimited ability to self-renew and capacity to differentiate into different skin cell lineages. Read more
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