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We have 27 University of Leeds, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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University of Leeds, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 27 University of Leeds, Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Understanding the molecular and physiological basis for crop-weed interactions for sustainable agriculture

Feeding our growing global population in a sustainable way that reduces inputs is a critical challenge for modern plant science. The major biological threat to a plant’s existence is neighbouring plants, since they directly compete for water, nutrients and light. Read more

The seminal fluid extracellular matrix: a new paradigm in reproductive biology?

In many animals, females store sperm from multiple males for weeks, months or years. This enhances female reproductive choice but can also create a “war of the sexes”, where males rapidly evolve reproductive traits that promote paternity and reproductive success. Read more

Structural studies of DNA double-strand break repair in plants

Our research aims to understand and manipulate plant DNA-repair pathways. This project elucidates the molecular mechanism of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) for double-strand break (DSB) repair in Arabidopsis. Read more

Piezo1 as a novel mechanosensor regulating skeletal muscle fatigue and adaptation to exercise

Skeletal muscle is a vital organ supporting many physiological processes, most notably physical activity. Muscle fatigue is a physiological event defined by the inability to sustain force, but can be improved following regular exercise training. Read more

Multisensory decision-making in the developing and aging human brain

Imagine driving your car on a rainy night. You see an object moving sideways towards you. Your visual information is ambiguous due to the poor light and rain, thus you may also try to hear any sound this object may be making to help you identify what it is and its exact trajectory. Read more