Email Campaigns

Our email campaigns are an effective and direct way to get your message to those interested in starting a PhD. We make it easy for you to target your message to a highly engaged audience, and our responsive design template means your email will look good on any device.

Spotlight Email campaign

Target your message directly to a custom-selected prospective postgraduate student audience. All our subscribers have signed-up within the last year, and the quality of our database ensures we deliver open and click through rates above industry standard.

Contact us for a quote

Newsletter Banner advert

Drive interest to your PhD opportunities with a banner advert at the top of our weekly newsletter, delivered to 120,000 subscribers every Sunday.

£200 per newsletter

Do you have a question about advertising on FindAPhD?

1.5 million annual enquiries & referrals

Over 400,000 average monthly site visits globally

Prices start at just £100

A dedicated Account Manager to help & advise via email, phone, at international conferences, or request a meeting on your campus.

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