Meet the judges

We can't wait to see your inspiring nominations! We have enlisted the help of the following judges to help us choose the most deserving winners:

Tobiloba Adeyemi

President, University of Birmingham Guild of Students

Tobi studied French Language (BA) at the University of Lagos, Nigeria and International Relations Diplomacy (MA) at the University of Birmingham. Daily, Tobi's role is centred around student representation in bringing about positive change and ensuring that students have the best academic experience while making the most of university life. Tobi is currently working on improving Black students' experience at the university via the launch of the Guild’s Black Voices priority campaign and is working collectively with the full-time officer team to provide tailored support to students during these challenging times. For recreation, Tobi enjoys a good Netflix binge, good food and music! Tobi is free spirited, open to new ideas and lives by these words - live, learn, express and explore!

Dan Beynon

Head of Education, SMRS

Dan heads up the education team at SMRS. In this intensely competitive higher education marketplace SMRS help universities tackle their communication and branding challenges, delivering strategic marketing campaigns and strategic consultancy projects. Dan has been working in Higher Education for 19 years and provides insight and sector expertise to SMRS’s University clients. He has worked with both UK and International universities and has most recently created The Know (a forum through which HE’s Marketing leaders can connect and collaborate) and Firsthand (a campaign to share the best transformational stories from UK HE).

Alice Cooper

Corporate Funding Officer, Student Minds

Alice works to create meaningful partnerships with businesses who seek to champion mental health in higher education and support the UK’s student mental health charity. Together this enables us to empower students with the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health, support others, and create change. Since graduating from the University of Warwick in 2017 with a BA in English and French, Alice has worked in corporate fundraising in the charity sector and business development.

Trina Everall

Co-founder, Stori

Co-founder of Stori content marketing agency, Trina works with university leadership, marketing, communications and PR teams. With extensive marketing experience in media and in the education sector Trina helps to create, curate and distribute content effectively for target audiences.

Rob Hardwick

Head of Research and Innovation Skills, UKRI-BBSRC

Rob is the Head of Skills at BBSRC and has strategic and operational oversight of BBSRC’s investments into doctoral training, working closely with the academic and industrial bioscience research communities, the UKRI Councils and other stakeholders. Prior to this, Rob completed his PhD and five years as a postdoctoral researcher in genetics.

Andy Holliday

Co-Founder, FindAUniversity

With over 20 years experience in the Postgraduate Education sector, Andy co-founded FindAUniversity back in 2001 after graduating from the University of Sheffield with an MSc in Information Management. Involved in all aspects of the business from programming to marketing, Andy helped to grow FindAUniversity from a couple of desks in a conservatory to one of the most recognised international brands in postgraduate student recruitment. and are used by over 900 universities from 50 countries, providing a comprehensive source of global study opportunities. FindAUniversity’s growing events business includes running the UK’s busiest postgraduate fairs & marketing conferences for HE professionals.

Andy is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and is an investor in a number of other businesses within the sector.

Jonathan Neves

Head of Business Intelligence and Surveys, Advance HE

Heading up the insights and student surveys portfolio at Advance HE, Jonathan leads the reporting and coverage of the high profile Student Academic Experience Survey (co-published with the Higher Education Policy Institute), and is responsible for the overall strategy for the UK Engagement Survey as well as the Postgraduate Taught and Research Experience Surveys (PTES and PRES). Jonathan is also working across the sector collaborating on the use of the UK Engagement Survey within Learning Gain pilots.