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Italy has more UNESCO World Heritage sites than anywhere in the world, which means there is a lot to see and do during your PhD. You have plenty of time as a PhD student in Italy to enjoy the food and culture of the country. If you decide to do a PhD in Italy, you have the chance to participate in international research programmes and live in a country synonymous with culture, fashion, good food and entertainment.
Italian higher education institutions award two kinds of PhD degrees:
An Italian PhD consists primarily of independent research with some taught modules usually in the first year. However, the structure of a PhD can vary drastically between course types and universities. You can find detailed information on course structure on your university website.
At the end of your degree, you will be expected to have written a doctoral thesis according to your department’s requirements.
A PhD programme usually lasts a minimum of three years. The usual length of study in Italy is between three to four years depending on the course structure and the institution.
An academic year in Italy is divided into two semesters. The first semester usually runs from September/October to January/February and then the second runs from February to July.
At the end of your PhD you will be expected to submit a final piece of research work, which will be your thesis, along with a report of all activities and publications during the period of your PhD. You will have to submit your thesis both in English and Italian.
The thesis that you submit will undergo review by external examiners who will judge its quality and contribution. If they are satisfied, your thesis will qualify for public defence or an additional six months of corrections.
The public defence is similar to a UK viva wherein you present your work and answer any questions raised by a commission of experts. However, unlike the viva, the Italian final assessment is also open to the public.
Some institutions in Italy implement the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which includes completing a number of credits (most of which attributed to the thesis) in order to obtain your doctorate. However, this isn’t the case with all institutions.
If you think a PhD in Italy sounds like something you want to explore more, we have more information on applications, fees, funding and visas below.
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This guide tells you about everything you need to apply to study a PhD programme in Italy.
Read moreOur guide tells you everything about how much a PhD in Italy costs and how to find the right funding for it.
Read moreOur guide tells you everything about which visa you'll need to study a PhD abroad in Italy and how to apply for it.
Read moreWhat is it like living in Italy during a PhD? Our guide provides information on accommodation, student living costs, working and more.
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