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We have 6 aspden PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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aspden PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 6 aspden PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Thermodiffusively-unstable lean premixed hydrogen flames

Hydrogen is emerging as a viable carbon-free alternative to conventional hydrocarbons for power generation, heating and propulsion, and can provide long-term storage of renewable energy to address seasonal variation. Read more

Dissecting mechanisms of translational regulation by specialised ribosomes

Ribosomes are fundamental cellular machines responsible for protein synthesis. Recent evidence suggests that rather than being homogenous, the protein and RNA composition of ribosomes can vary, which consequently can lead to specialisation of function. Read more

Dissecting mechanisms of translational regulation by specialised ribosomes

Ribosomes are fundamental cellular machines responsible for protein synthesis. Recent evidence suggests that rather than being homogenous, the protein and RNA composition of ribosomes can vary, which consequently can lead to specialisation of function. Read more

Building orthogonal ribosome control for engineering biology

Background. Genetic control challenges in both fundamental biology and biotechnology are effectively tackled by building functionally separated (orthogonal) systems within one cell. Read more
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