Plant-microbe interactions underpin crop production. Bacteria and fungi are implicated in improving plant health with recent research showing these microbes synergise to additively increase crop yields. Read more
Mycorrhizal symbioses are one of the most extensive and important biotic interactions in terrestrial ecosystems, typically providing plants with improved access to nutrients in exchange for carbohydrates produced via photosynthesis. Read more
The global challenge of meeting food demand, particularly under the pressures of climate change, necessitates the optimization of crop nutrient uptake while minimizing resource inputs. Read more
Lead supervisor: Dr T Tonon. Co-supervisors: Prof Luke Mackinder and Dr Gillian Taylor, Teesside University. The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
Palmitvaccenic acid (16:1Δ11, PVA) is a fatty acid produced by organisms belonging to three distinct phylogenetic groups. microalgae, insects, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Read more
Plants associate with multiple symbionts. Some, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), can offer important nutritional benefits to their host whereas others, e.g. Read more
Plants associate with multiple symbionts. Some, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), can offer important nutritional benefits to their host whereas others, e.g. Read more
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