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Co-funded Medical Research Foundation PhD studentships available for entry in Autumn 2019
The Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research is the first nationwide PhD training programme to tackle AMR – one of the greatest emerging threats to global human health.
Applications are invited for 12 fully-funded 4-year PhD studentships available to commence in September/October 2019.
The 12 PhD studentships are available for excellent candidates interested in researching the problem of AMR in a cross-disciplinary manner, with backgrounds in either the social sciences, humanities, life sciences, biomedical, clinical and veterinary sciences, physical sciences and engineering.
Twelve UKRI-funded interdisciplinary AMR research consortia are hosting the studentships offered by this Programme. These are led by 1) the University of Bristol (2 studentships); 2) University of Dundee; 3) University of Exeter (two consortia/2 studentships); 4) Imperial College London; 5) University of Leeds; 6) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (two consortia co-funding 1 studentship); 7) University of Nottingham; 8) Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford (two consortia/2 studentships); and 9) the University of Warwick.
For all details and additional information on this Training Programme, please see the Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in AMR Research website.
Applicants must ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements of the institution they are applying to. Please check the relevant university’s postgraduate admissions website.
To qualify for Home tuition fee status, you must be a UK or EU citizen who has been resident for 3 years prior to commencement. Please note that overseas students not eligible for Home (UK/EU/EEA citizens) tuition fee status will be eligible for funding through this Programme but the student must pay the difference between the annual Home tuition fee and the tuition fees required for overseas students. Overseas students should be able to demonstrate adequate financial support to cover the difference between the Home/EU fee and the overseas fee.
Please check the FAQs page on the website for answers to other questions you may have.
Please apply directly to the institute offering the studentship using the weblink provided in the project description. Please direct informal enquiries about research projects to the supervisor. For all assistance with admission processes, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions team at the relevant institution. For any other queries, please contact the Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in AMR Manager at amrphd-info@bristol.ac.uk
31st March 2019
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by an academic panel from the AMR research consortium hosting the project(s) you have applied for.
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