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Doctoral Training Partnership in Biosciences

Newcastle-Liverpool-Durham (NLD)
Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) in Biosciences

The Newcastle-Liverpool-Durham (NLD) DTP is a strategic Partnership in Biosciences doctoral training between three research-intensive universities in northern cities of great industrial heritage; Newcastle University, the University of Liverpool and Durham University.

The Partnership is offering up to 28 four-year (non-CASE and CASE) BBSRC-funded studentships starting in October 2024. A wide range of projects across the Partnership are available for application under the broad themes of:

  • Agriculture & Food Security;
  • Systems Biology and Technology Development;
  • Industrial Biotechnology (IB), Synthetic Biology and Structural Biology;
  • Regenerative Biology, Stem Cells and Neuroscience;
  • Ageing, Diet and Health.

BBSRC DTP CASE awards enable students to undertake research projects that involve both an academic and non-academic partner. CASE studentships provide outstanding students with access to training, facilities and expertise not available in an academic setting. The partner organisation also benefits from recruiting a motivated, doctoral student who is capable of undertaking cutting-edge research.


Studentships are funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) for 4 years. Funding will cover stipend, tuition fees at the UK rate only, and a Research Training and Support Grant (RTSG). We aim to support the most outstanding applicants from outside the UK and are able to offer a limited number of bursaries that will enable full studentships to be awarded to international applicants. These full studentships will only be awarded to exceptional quality candidates, due to the competitive nature of this scheme.


Further information about eligibility for UK Research and Innovation funding can be found at the UKRI website.

Entry Requirements

Students who have, or are expecting to attain, at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject, are invited to apply by Monday 15th January 2024; please see the below link for details. We encourage students to search all available projects, and make a single application listing up to two preferred projects in total.

Informal enquires may be made by email to the relevant supervisor.

The multidisciplinary training experience and interdisciplinary nature of some of the projects means that we welcome applications from students with physical science and mathematical backgrounds who are interested in using their skills to address the challenges of 21st century bioscience research.

We actively encourage applicants from diverse career paths and backgrounds and from all areas of our community regardless of; age, disability, ethnicity, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, amongst other protected characteristics.

Closing date for applications: 12noon on Monday 15th January 2024

For more information and how to apply:

Newcastle-Liverpool-Durham (NLD)
Doctoral Training Partnership in Biosciences